NJF Nidhi Loader

NJF Nidhi Limited is a Nidhi company incorporated under the Companies Act 2013 & regulated by Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India. The main objective of company is to cultivate the habit of thrift and savings among its members & receiving deposits from, and lending to, members only, for their mutual benefit.

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Monthly Income Plan

Financial freedom comes from making the right choices while investing.
This scheme features interest payable at the contracted rate every month, on the fixed deposit which is accepted for any period from 1 year to 5 years. Suitable for investors who want to earn a regular fixed income with guaranteed returns at a certain rate of interest every month. If you are looking to get monthly income, you can choose the option to get pay-outs on a monthly basis.

Tenure Interest Rate
1 Year 8.5% p.a.
2 Years 9.5% p.a.
3 Years 10.5% p.a.
4 Years 11.5% p.a.
5 Years 12.5% p.a.

Terms & Conditions:

  • It is mandatory to become a member in NJF Nidhi Limited to open a M.I.P. Account.
  • It is Mandatory to complete the KYC Norms.
  • Open an account with your choice of period from 1 Year to 5 Years.
  • Interest is paid/credited to the Savings account of the member during the last week of every month.
  • Interest will be calculated on yearly compound basis.
  • Interest amount is subject to TDS deductions as per existing income tax rules.
  • Principal deposit will be given as Maturity Amount to member after minimum term 1 year & maximum term 5 years.
  • Facilities: Loan facility is available against deposits. Nomination facility is available for deposits.
  • Interest rates are subject to change at the sole discretion of the NJF Nidhi Limited.
  • NJF Nidhi Limited reserves the right to alter or add to these rules at any time without any notice.

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